We think that education starts with the family, that is why we try to help caregivers to learn how to teach their little ones. We offer not only Ya i Mama (Mommy and Me) classes for toddlers and their moms (dads, grandparents and/or other family members), but also special educational workshops and consultations for caregivers.
Our teachers have a lengthy experience of working with young children. A professional speech-therapist and music teacher will help your children develop their speaking and musical skills.
Lessons include:
- Speech and sensor development,
- Tongue exercises,
- Massage for speech delay,
- Musical games and activities,
- Learning of nursery rhymes, songs, and fairy tales,
- Fine motor skills development (molding, drawing, arts and crafts, etc.),
- Physical exercises for gross motor skills development
We take kids as young as 16-18 months. Toddlers should participate with the help of “their own” adult. Kids older than 3 may take part on their own, but an active adult participation is encouraged.
Kids from 3.5-4.5 are also taught to read and write in Russian.
The classes are fun and interactive. They include the use of colorful education aids and enriching development games.
Schedule and Prices:
(Age 1.5-3.5) Thurs. 10:00-10:45 AM
$30 for a 45 minute lesson; $45 for a 70 minute lesson. Supplies fee: $15 per semester.
Registration fee: $35 per child for the whole school year (September to August). This fee covers all KidzHOME programs.

Please fill out the application below: