We think that education starts with the family, that is why we try to help caregivers to learn how to teach their little ones. We offer not only Ya i Mama (Mommy and Me) classes for toddlers and their moms (dads, grandparents and/or other family members), but also special educational workshops and consultations for caregivers.

Our teachers have a lengthy experience of working with young children. A professional speech-therapist and music teacher will help your children develop their speaking and musical skills.

Lessons include:

  • Speech and sensor development,
  • Tongue exercises,
  • Massage for speech delay,
  • Musical games and activities,
  • Learning of nursery rhymes, songs, and fairy tales,
  • Fine motor skills development (molding, drawing, arts and crafts, etc.),
  • Physical exercises for gross motor skills development

We take kids as young as 16-18 months. Toddlers should participate with the help of “their own” adult. Kids older than 3 may take part on their own, but an active adult participation is encouraged.

Kids from 3.5-4.5 are also taught to read and write in Russian.

The classes are fun and interactive. They include the use of colorful education aids and enriching development games.

Schedule and Prices:

(Age 1.5-3.5) Thurs. 10:00-10:45 AM

$30 for a 45 minute lesson; $45 for a 70 minute lesson. Supplies fee: $15 per semester.

Registration fee: $35 per child for the whole school year (September to August). This fee covers all KidzHOME programs.

Please fill out the application below:

Learning Center Application Form

First Child Information

Child’s Name
Child's Name
Please specify

Second Child Information

Child’s Name
Child's Name
Please specify

Parent/Guardian Information

Name and contact information in case of emergency
Name, contact information. and relation to child
This is important for calculating discounts

Program Information

Select a Program
For online lessons, the Russian Theater Studio Malenkaya Kompaniya and HW Assistance Program, there are separate application forms. They can be found under Registration.
Important information about your child that we should know. All information will be kept strictly confidential
By signing this application I permit the organizers to take pictures/videos of my child and publish them in the Malenkaya Kompaniya magazine, on its website and Facebook page, as well as in its publicity materials.