In the state of New York, schoolchildren have to take state-wide tests starting from third grade. This assessment includes tests in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. Results of the tests in the 4th and 7th grades are important for entering middle and high schools, respectively.

Our experienced instructors will help your children ace these tests and enter the program of your choice.

ELA preparation is especially important as many children have problems with analytical reading and essay writing.

Tutoring is done in small groups (3-5 students) or individual tutoring. 

Individual tutoring for SHSAT, SAT, and College Essay Writing – $70 per hour. 

Заполните регистрационную форму внизу (на английском). С вопросами обращайтесь по электронной почте или пришлите сообщение на тел. (646) 508-4449. Мы с радостью ответим на ваши вопросы.

Learning Center Application

Application Form

First Child Information

Child’s Name
Child's Name
Please specify

Second Child Information

Child’s Name
Child's Name
Please specify

Parent/Guardian Information

Name and contact information in case of emergency
Name, contact information. and relation to child
This is important for calculating discounts

Program Information

Select a Program
For online lessons, the Russian Theater Studio Malenkaya Kompaniya and HW Assistance Program, there are separate application forms. They can be found under Registration.
Important information about your child that we should know. All information will be kept strictly confidential
By signing this application I permit the organizers to take pictures/videos of my child and publish them in the Malenkaya Kompaniya magazine, on its website and Facebook page, as well as in its publicity materials.