Check Out Our History of World Civilization Online Lessons!

During our classes we teach history of several civilizations (Greece, Rome, Middle Ages) and several historical topics (knights, pirates).

We will get introduced to languages of the Greeks and Romans. How many words and terms that we still use in the 21st century come from antiquity!

We will begin with Ancient Greece. We will learn the history, myths, poetry, theater, architecture, sculpture, and the livelihood of ancient Greeks. We will imagine ourselves on the phalanx at the Battle of Chaeronea, in the Acropolis on the Athenian Agora, and we will even try to find truth with Socrates. We will discover Greek roots in modern languages.

Classes are held in English or in Russian.

Theme List of Ancient Greece Classes (in Russian)


9:45-10:30 AM

Full List of Prices

(Learning Center)

For the full list of prices please click here. Please fill out the application below:

Learning Center Application Form

Application Form

First Child Information

Child’s Name
Child's Name
Please specify

Second Child Information

Child’s Name
Child's Name
Please specify

Parent/Guardian Information

Name and contact information in case of emergency
Name, contact information. and relation to child
This is important for calculating discounts

Program Information

Select a Program
For online lessons, the Russian Theater Studio Malenkaya Kompaniya and HW Assistance Program, there are separate application forms. They can be found under Registration.
Important information about your child that we should know. All information will be kept strictly confidential
By signing this application I permit the organizers to take pictures/videos of my child and publish them in the Malenkaya Kompaniya magazine, on its website and Facebook page, as well as in its publicity materials.